Green Your Stream – Project Update – May 2024

As the seasons change and we transition into autumn, the Green Your Stream project continues to make strides in our mission to restore and protect our local urban waterways. We’re excited to share our progress and upcoming plans with you! 

Since its inception earlier this year, Green Your Stream has seen tremendous support from the community. This enthusiastic response highlights the shared commitment to improving the health and resilience of our urban streams in the Hibiscus and Bays local board area. 

Restoring our urban streams aligns with Auckland increasing focus on Blue Green networks – our urban streams.  A stream cleared of weeds and debris and planted with appropriate native plants helps to manage stormwater runoff, reduce the risk of flooding, improve water quality, and enhance biodiversity by creating habitats for native flora and fauna. Additionally, blue-green networks contribute to a more resilient and sustainable city by mitigating the impacts of climate change, such as heatwaves and heavy rainfall events.  Well maintained streams also decrease erosion of the stream banks, leading to less sediment in our beautiful Hauraki Gulf.  

Our restoration efforts are not only about enhancing the natural environment but also about building a stronger, more connected community. We’ve witnessed neighbours coming together, sharing knowledge, and supporting each other in weed control and restoration activities. It’s inspiring to see the impact we can make when we work together! 

We look forward to extending this project to other catchments throughout the local board area, including areas in the Hibiscus Coast impacted by the high rainfall events in 2023. However, as with any community project, budget constraints are a reality.  We will continue to seek support from various sources, including grants, donations, and partnerships, to ensure the success and sustainability of Green Your Stream. 

A huge thanks to The Hibiscus and Bays Local Board for making this project possible”   

If you’re interested in getting involved or learning more about Green Your Stream, contact us directly. Together, we can make a difference in the health and vitality of our local waterways! 

We are continuing to receive interest from our work on Green Your Streams, a community-led initiative aimed at stabilising and enhancing ripairian areas in targetted streams.  Many residents who have been contacted and visited have been busy weeding beside their stream in readiness for winter planting.   

Photo before weeding
Photo after weeding