E Wawara
What’s Happening

News & Stories

Health and Safety Alert: Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

Auckland Council wants to ensure your safety outdoors this year due to concerns about Avian Influenza (HPAI or bird flu). While New Zealand has not reported any cases, vigilance is crucial. Although rare, humans can contract the virus through contact with sick or dead birds...

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Predator Control in Hibiscus and Bays – June update

The Bigger Picture of predator control in the Hibiscus and Bays  We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our predator control volunteers for your dedication and hard work in predator control. Your efforts are an essential part of a much larger initiative to...

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Planting Days in June: A Great Success 

June was a fantastic month for community-driven environmental restoration around the East Coast Bays and Hibiscus Coast. With dedicated volunteers and favourable weather (mostly), we achieved significant progress across several reserves. Here’s a recap of the amazing work done and the wonderful people who made...

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Green Your Stream – Project Update – May 2024

Since its inception earlier this year, Green Your Stream has seen tremendous support from the community. This enthusiastic response highlights the shared commitment to improving the health and resilience of our urban streams in the Hibiscus and Bays local board area. 

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